
Smile and Reap the Rewards Today!

Welcome to our reward/loyalty program where patients can earn Smilage points to redeem for movie passes, overnight stays, gift cards etc. Patients can earn Smilage through consistent check up appointments, referring friends, completing diagnosed treatment, etc,. Smilage can also be earned through posting a funny video and tagging MeyerFamilyDental thus causing instant Smilage! Contact our staff for the full skinny on our Smilage program.

What is Smilage?

Smilage is our loyalty reward program, where patients can earn “Smilage” points that they can redeem toward dental work, movie passes, overnight stays and more!

How do I earn Smilage points?

To earn smilage points by visiting our office regularly for treatments and procedures. You can also earn points by uploading videos to our social media channels that cause “Sudden Smilage.” So send over your funniest, happiest moments and you’ll be smiling all the way to the movies!

To learn more about our Smilage program or to start earning points now, call us today or visit us on Facebook or Instagram and tag us in your “Sudden Smilage” moment.